Gazing behind
While I was sitting in a semi-dark room,
I felt my vision got dim and the fire became a gloom.
I sought for hope,
looked for the silver lining.
I turned to that door in my back
and saw it shining.
Only a little wedge of light behind the door.
It was hard to ignore.
There was this mysterious light
that shone trough the night.
I heard it crackle and I heard it flicker,
there where a murmur and a sound,
some kind of rumours all around.
It all came from behind that door.
All this made me curious but also afraid.
Shall I hide here in the secure and familiar darkness?
Or shall I take the risk to pass that door?
Shall I leave my comfort zone?
I know when I stay, I will be far more alone.
But If I go, what awaits my there
on the other side of that door?
My curiosity arises,
I cant ignore.
I get on my knees and begin to crawl towards that door.
While I pass trough fear and expectation.
I feel like a toddler, like went back in time.
What will I see, how will it be?
Will it seem, that I pass through in another world?
Awaited by a great and unique mystery?
I can imagine it and dream,
may I pass through the most beautiful of green,
with sparkling dew like diamonds.
Or I pass a see, a brook or a pound,
can swim all around.
Or will I face the Face with the beauty of grace?
Then all beauties and sparkling all around seems to pass away.
May I see the Lion so gorgeous and terrible in one accord,
may I see the lamb with the most compassionate eyes and a face,
where all over is written mercy and grace.
And may with my eyes I see HIS eyes.
HIS sparkling beauty and shimmering coloured lights.
In a vague dream of this all,
who will decide to stay, in the once so familiar semidarkness,
and seemingly secure night?
Like a eagle be cast out of the nest
and stretches his wings for the first flight.